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XML The Survey Of The Quality Of Drug Prescription To Under 5 Years Children By Behvarzes in Eslamshar Town And The Related Factors (year 2000)
SadegiPoor HR, EftekharArdabili H, Zeraati H, Mosleh A
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity mong Guidance-And High School Students And Its Relation To ModifiableEnvironmental Factors
Klishadi R, Hashemi Poor M, Sarraf Zadegan N, Sadri G, Ansari R, Alikhasi H, , , ,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Comparison Of Metoclopramide And Lidocaine For Preventing Pain On Injection Of Propofol
Movafegh A, Mir Eskandari M, Eghtesadi Araghi P
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison Of Inhalation Induction (Single Breath Inhalation And Tidal Volume Technique) And Intravenous Induction (Thiopental And Succinylcholine)
Hasani M, Ebrahi Soltani A R
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Decrease Rate In PTH Level After Parathyroidectomy In Primary Hyperthyroidism (Shariati Hospital, 2000 - 2001)
Hedayat A, Bastan Hagh M H, Bavandi F
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Clinical And Paraclinical Characteristics Of Patients With Unstable Anyina Hospitalized At Ccu
Sadr Bafghi S M, Rafie M, Modares Mosadegh M, Ahmadiah MH, ZandiKarimi F, Aghili K
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparative Evaluation Of The Two Fixed Dose Methods Of Radioiodine Therapy (5mci And 10 Mci) For The Treatment Of Graves' Disease
Fard Esfahani A, Dabbagh Kakhki VR, Eftekhari M, Zarpak B, Saghari M, Fallahi Sijani B
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation Of Clinical Course, Rirsk Factors For Relapse And Long-Term Outcome Of Children With Primary Nephrotic Syndrome
Ataei N, Madani A, falakolaflaki B
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Study Of The Results Of "Urethral Advancement And Glanuloplasty" (UAGP) In Repairing Anterior Hypospadias
Sadeghipoor roodsari S, Mulaeian M
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XML Changes Of Motor Control Processing To Postural Responses Of Trunk Muscles In Healthy Women And Patients With Low Back Pain
Mousavi SH, Faezipour H, Talebian S
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