Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2000, 58(4): 65-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Mostaan M, Saberi H, Sharyarian Sh, Bahar Joo HR, Mahdi Zadeh F. The study of accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography in detecting the grade of stenosis of cervical carotid arteries in comparison to angiography. Tehran Univ Med J 2000; 58 (4) :65-71
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1374-en.html
Abstract:   (9872 Views)
This is retrospective double-blind research, which was carried out in Imam Khomeini hospital in order to study the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography for detecting the site and grade of stenosis in cervical carotid artery. 40 patients with mean age of 62 years studied with color Doppler before DSA angiography. The most common sites of stenosis were left internal carotid (39.5%) and right internal carotid arteries (38.4%). We measured peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities (PSA and EDV) and ratios of PSA and EDV at stenosis sites to CCA (PSV ratio and EDV ratio). Results showed that PSA has the highest sensitivity and accuracy in all grades of stenosis: Mild to moderate stenosis: Sensitivity (90.5%), accuracy (89.5%) Severe stenosis: Sensitivity (82.1%), accuracy (92.8%) Total occlusion: Sensitivity (93.8%), accuracy (96.5%). There is no difference between accuracy of Doppler parameters for detection of total occlusion (96.5%) but in other grades after PSV, EDV (Mild-moderate 86%, severe 87.2%). EDV ratio and PSV ratio (Mild-moderate both 84.8%, severe both 86%) have the highest accuracies. We concluded that color Doppler sonography can reliability detect stenosis in carotid arteries & PSV has the highest accuracy.
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