چکیده: (4342 مشاهده)
In this study, counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and latex agglutination (LA) were employed to evaluate rapid detection of streptococcus group B (GBS) specific antigens in sera, urines, CSF and patient's blood cultures of infants suspected of septicemia and meningitidis. Out of 530 specimens which were investigated 73 blood cultures were found to be positive, including 4 (5.5%) specimens from these infants were positive for strep group B. GBS was also detected in the CSF of 1 specimen from these 4 infants. CIE was conducted on sera, urines and CSF of these patients and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 3 and 1 respectively. LA was also conducted on the same specimens and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 4 and 1 respectively. Detection of GBS specific antigens by LA and CIE on the supernatants of blood cultures after 24 hours incubation showed that all the 4 specimens were positive an indication that the sensitivity of these two imunological methods in 100%.