Volume 78, Issue 12 (March 2021)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2021, 78(12): 864-867 | Back to browse issues page

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Mousavinejad S H, Amiri A, Fares F. One case of a lightning strike leads to death: case report. Tehran Univ Med J 2021; 78 (12) :864-867
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-11072-en.html
1- Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran..
Abstract:   (1329 Views)
Background: Lightning is one of the most mysterious phenomena of nature that also, it has caused many financial and human losses. In tropical and sub-tropical countries, death due to thunderbolt is not unusual, and even tragic events may occur at high altitudes. Lightning physics is complex and not completely clear. Usually, the clouds are heavily pregnant and high voltages and amperages, they drain their load over earth through a massive arc. The death by lightning is naturally a component of the accident and does not pose a particular problem to the legal pathologist. But sometimes the body is found outdoors without special signs, and there may be doubts about death. The damage caused by the lightning is unpredictable and accidental.
Case Presentation: A 23-years-old young man went to a park in southern Tehran for entertainment at dawn, sometime in September 2018, that suddenly lightning hit him and, unfortunately he passed away. After passing the dead body of the young man to the forensic medicine about 14 hours later, an external physical examination showed the appearance of Lichtenberg (fern leaves) on the upper and middle part of the trunk.
Conclusion: Lightning injuries are in different ranges from minor injuries to severe burns, fractures, and tissue laceration. The lightning may cause specific shapes on skin similar to the ferns, which is known as the Lichtenberg. The Lichtenberg figure is known as an image of lightning and is an important clue to lightning strikes with humankind or bodies. This posture is a physical phenomenon with red and tree-shaped on the skin that occurs by lightening after one hour and usually disappears after 24- 48 hours. This sign does not burn and does not have any relation to the vessel or nerves.
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Type of Study: Case Report |

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