Mirkhani S. H, Delavarkhan S. M, Radmehr H. Off - Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Safe Method For Complete Revascularization. Tehran Univ Med J 2002; 60 (1) :57-63
Abstract: (12265 Views)
In recent years off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB) has emerged as preferred method for revascularization of coronary arteries in relatively selected group of patients. Considering patients receiving incomplete revascularization need significantly higher postoperative catheterization and re-intervention (PTCA or CABG), we performed this study to identify safety and feasibility of this technique for total revascularization in nearly all patients requiring coronary artery graft surgery.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 150 consecutive patients underwent OPCAB by one surgeon. Octopus device used for regional wall stabilization. Vascular control achieved by ethibond loops, occluder, and shunts. Situations such as cardiomegaly, poor ventricular function, advanced age, hemodynamic instability, and small coronary arteries were not considered contraindications to OPCAB.
Results: Of 150 OPCAB cases, 146 (97.3 percent) were completely off-pump. The mean number of grafts per patient was 4.1 (range, 2 to 6). Total 595 distal grafts anastomosed to LAD (140) diagonals (140), right coronary artery (145), left circumflex (164). Thirty-day mortality and myocardial infarction were 0.6 percent and 3.3 percent respectively OPCAB patient experienced lesser postoperative bleeding had shorter stay at surgical intensive care unit and extubated earlier. Conduits used were left internal mammary artery, radial artery and greater saphenous vein.
Conclusion: OPCAB is a safe method for complete revascularization in nearly all patients. The OPCAB patients experience less complications, have shorter hospital stay, absolute contraindication for OPCAB other than severe, diffuse coronary artery disease with poor run-off which is better treated by cardiopulmonary bypass.