Mokhtari Azad T, Mohammadi H, Mahmoodi M, Saadatmand Z, Moosavi A, Hamkar R et al . Seroepidemiologic survey of influenza C virus infection. Tehran Univ Med J 1999; 57 (2) :1-7
Abstract: (6722 Views)
This is a report of the first serological survey of influenza C virus in Iran, performed during a one year period (March 1997-May 1998). This study was accomplished in the National Influenza Center-Division of Virology in Tehran University of Medical Scinces. 1080 samples of serum (689 samples from Tehran and 391 samples from other provinces) were assayed for the presence of antibodies against influenza C virus (C/Paris/1/67) by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. 43.7% of people tested in Tehran and 40.7% of people tested from other provinces had protective antibodies against influenza C virus. Distribution of seropositives in various age groups had a somewhat similar pattern as what has been reported from other countries. The results of this study indicates that the lowest level of protective antibody titer is found at childhood and the level increases with age. The protective antibody titer level off for 20-30 years old age group and decreases in older age groups. These results indicates a primary contact in childhood, reinfection in adulthood. The influenza C virus is simultaneously circulating in Iran with other types of influenza viruses (types A and B).