Zargar M, Zafarghandi M, Mdaghgh H, Abasi K, Rezai Shirazi H. Significance of trauma mechanism and its effect on the outcome of trauma patients . Tehran Univ Med J 1998; 56 (5) :101-108
Abstract: (7767 Views)
Nowadays, trauma is a major complex of industrial and developed countries. Integrated trauma systems have been used for many years to evaluate and minimize the severity of trauma outcomes (mortality and morbidity). We haven't had any trauma system or any comprehensive study, giving us proper information about our country trauma state. This article is based on comprehensive information of a descriptive prospective cohort study, performed in one year period in 3 major trauma centers in Tehran, evaluating 58005 Traumatic patients, referred to emergency rooms of these hospitals. In this article we have tried to represent a complete report of our patients' epidemiologic and demographic factors and trauma inducing mechanisms including traffic accidents, falls, gunshots, cutting objects ..., and their effect on the severity of injury and patients' outcome. Based on our study, traumatic patients are mainly young (age mode between 20-29) males (80%). The majority of patients were illiterate or had a low level of education. The most common mechanism of trauma was hitting of blunt objects (44.9%), however, it was car accidents in hospitalized and severely injured patients (39.9% and 53.7% respectively). The mechanism of trauma correlates significantly to the severity of injury, the need to hospitalization and the patients' outcome. In our study gunshots, car accidents and falls are the most important trauma inducing factors.