Volume 65, Issue 13 (Vol 65, Supplement 1 2008)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2008, 65(13): 14-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadr momtaz N, Tabebi S j, Mahmode M. A comparative study in disaster planning in selected countries. Tehran Univ Med J 2008; 65 (13) :14-19
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-670-en.html
Abstract:   (6496 Views)
Background: Assessment of different strategic in disaster planning in selected countries. According to the international report indicating that IRAN is among the seven countries most susceptible to disaster, experiencing 31 known disasters out of 40 in the world, occurrence of 1536 moderate to severe earthquake, during 1370-80 and 712 other disasters at the same period it seems necessary to design a disaster plan.
Methods: This research is a comparative-descriptive and case based study in which the researcher used random sampling process in selecting the statistical society from both developed and developing countries. In this goal oriented research the necessary information are extracted from valid global reports, articles and many questionnaires which were subjected to scientific analysis.
Results: Studying different countries (which includes: Canada, Japan, India, USA, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran) shows that there is a direct relationship between the level of countries development and their success in disaster planning and management (including preventive measures and confrontation). In most of the studied countries, decentralized planning caused many professional planners participate in different levels of disaster management which ultimately led to development of efficient and realistic plans which in turn decreased the catastrophic effects of disasters dramatically. The results of the aforementioned countries showed that a balanced approach to disaster plan with investment in prophylactic area is very important.
Conclusion: As our country uses a centralized strategy for disaster management which has proven its ineffectiveness, the researcher suggests that we should change our approach in disaster management and let our planners participate from all levels include: provincial, rural and etc. This will led to a reality based planning and using all potential capacities in disaster management. According to this study it will be possible to use prophylactic delusions and to mitigate the outcome of threatening disasters.
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